Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Ketchup and Mustard and Brazilian Dimensional Embroidery

Picture a picture of ketchup and mustard, together.
Well, OK, they didn't do a lot to inspire me.

But this sure did!
This is a brand new rose introduced for 2012. It was on the cover of my Edmunds' Roses catalog that came in today's mail and kept me occupied for a while. It's a floribunda cleverly named "Ketchup and Mustard".   Mmmmm. Yum. Better than a chocolate chip cookie any old day!

It was enough inspiration that I stitched out a rose for a fellow Brazilian embroidery teacher, as a sample for her class.  Here it is:
This is a rose designed by Ruth Griffith, the original designer for the first JDR Brazilian Embroidery business. She calls it "Full-Blown Rose" and it's on her design "Mini-Roses", which I market for her as "A Millefiori Design by Ruth Griffith".  Here's a picture of the finished embroidery:
I posted the picture of Ruth's Full-Blown Rose because it is truly unique. There are three layers of petals and the two center layers are stitched in such a way that they stand well off the fabric. The petals tuck into each other to make a very realistic double rose center. Since I stitched just a sample of the rose, I pulled out my fabric marker pens and drew in the rose leaves.

Well, that's what I did today, besides daydreaming my way through a rose garden that I'm just SURE I have room for in my yard. I suppose I can go and put the ketchup and the mustard back into the refrigerator. I'll keep the rose catalog out a while longer.