Wednesday, May 2, 2012

A Rhodie Is A Bouquet of Flowers All By Itself

The first one has burst into bloom, all by itself, entirely too full of itself to NOT pose for a picture. (Notice the upturned 'smile' below.)
In a few days the entire rhododendron shrub outside my window will be covered with glowing pink flowers and it will look like Someone turned on a spotlight!   Not to be outdone, this one also popped open and posed for a picture:
This is the Lewisia just beneath my pink rhodie, not caring one bit that it might clash:
The Lithodora just next to it is the most beautiful true blue you could ever find in a garden:
And Sweet Woodruff is just everywhere. It's one of those flowers you have to shop for in the Herb aisle, and it's also a flower that is happy under evergreen trees. When you see it in the shade, it looks like a million twinkling stars.

I'm doing that one close-up, so they look bigger. In reality, they are only about 1/4" across.
       Emmy could care less  . . .
Is it any wonder that I'm so inspired to design flowers for Brazilian dimensional embroidery? !
        Emmy could still care less ....
(--and I have to get back to work. By the way, all of my lilacs are in full bloom, probably other flowers, too.)


  1. Hi Rosalie,
    Your garden flower pictures is truly a feast to is true is a great wonder you are creating such a wonderful Brazilian embroidery flowers!!

  2. Thank you, Lakshmi. The colors of the flowers give great joy. Too bad all of the weeds that I did NOT photograph are such a pain! But it's very relaxing to work in the garden. Yesterday I had little chickadees (building their nests in the birdhouses now) watching as I wandered around taking pictures.
