Tuesday, November 22, 2011

TURKEY - Gobble, Gobble . . . It's Brazilian Dimensional Embroidery!

Happy Thanksgiving to all -- and a Happy Belated Thanksgiving to our Canadian neighbors!  This little turkey, one of my Millefiori Brazilian dimensional embroidery designs,  is stitched entirely with our Z-twist rayon floss and mostly cast-on stitches. The fruits and veggies are also embroidered entirely, except for the "grapes", which are size 6/o seed beads.

In my design description, I wrote about what a wonderful centerpiece this would be for your Thanksgiving table.  And think how happy the turkey would be!

Do you like the background? You can do that to your fabric, too. Using a stencil brush would probably be easiest (there are soft paints prepared especially for fabrics), but I did this background before screen printing the turkey design (because the ink we use for our lines washes out). I pinned a paper doily to the fabric, thinned some light sienna color acrylic paint to almost thinner than water consistency. Next, I put it into a mister bottle, or an airbrush and sprayed the paint onto the fabric. When I unpinned the doily, I had the beautiful lace pattern.
      You can try this with any textured material (as in rubbings), or spray paint over lace, or you can use a fabric brush marker or crayon (look for fabric crayons) to sketch interesting backgrounds or leaves, stems, fine growth, etc., onto your fabric. If you are stitching a holiday design, look for some of the sparkly white/silver paints.

Happy Holidays to all!


  1. This is just dazzling. Both Color combination and Design is very beautiful.

  2. Thank you so much; it's nice of you to write. Those are all really simple stitches, and all of the turkey feathers are cast-on stitches.

  3. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing.God Bless You.
